Component extensions (extensions)

Manages custom tags, mappings, CFXs, applets, CORBA, and web services.

hierarchy: WEB-INF.cftags.component
path: /opt/coldfusion/cfusion/wwwroot/CFIDE/adminapi/extensions.cfc
serializable: Yes
final: false
abstract: false
methods: deleteApplet, deleteCFX, deleteCorbaConnector, deleteCustomTagPath, deleteMapping, deleteRESTService, deleteWebService, getAllDefaultRESTServices, getApplets, getCFX, getCorbaConnectors, getCustomTagPaths, getDefaultRESTService, getMappings, getRESTPath, getRESTServices, getUseOrb, getWebServices, getWsVersion, refreshRESTService, registerRESTService, reloadWebService, setApplet, setCorbaConnector, setCPPCFX, setCustomTagPath, setJavaCFX, setMapping, setUseOrb, setWebService, setWsVersion, updateRESTPath, validatemapping*
inherited methods: dump, getEdition, getInstallType, isAdminUser, logaudit
* - private method

public void deleteApplet ( string appletName )

Deletes the specified applet.

Output: suppressed
   appletName: string, optional, appletName - Name of applet to delete.

public void deleteCFX ( cfxname )

Deletes a CFX tag.

Output: suppressed
   cfxname: any, optional, cfxname - CFX tag name to delete.

public void deleteCorbaConnector ( required name )

Removes a CORBA Connector from the set of registered ColdFusion CORBA Connectors.

Output: suppressed
   name: any, required, name - Name of CORBA Connector to delete.

public void deleteCustomTagPath ( required path )

Deletes a custom tag path

Output: suppressed
   path: any, required, path - path to custom tags

public void deleteMapping ( required mapName )

Deletes the specified ColdFusion mapping.

Output: suppressed
   mapName: any, required, mapName - A logical path name.

public void deleteRESTService ( required path )

Deletes a ColdFusion REST service.

Output: suppressed
   path: any, required, path - Path of the REST service to delete.

public void deleteWebService ( required name )

Deletes a ColdFusion web service.

Output: suppressed
   name: any, required, name - Name of the web service to delete.

public array getAllDefaultRESTServices ( )

Returns an array of default application path and host name associated with the default application

Output: suppressed

public getApplets ( name )

Return a list of all registered Java applets or a specified applet.

Output: suppressed
   name: any, optional, name - Specifies the name of a registered Java applet.

public struct getCFX ( cfxname )

Lists the names of all registered CFX tags or a specified CFX tag.

Output: suppressed
   cfxname: any, optional, cfxname - Specifies a CFX tag name.

public getCorbaConnectors ( name )

Retrieves name, path, and options for CORBA Connectors.

Output: suppressed
   name: any, optional, name - Specifies the name of a CORBA connector.

public array getCustomTagPaths ( )

Returns an array of paths to custom tags.

Output: suppressed

public string getDefaultRESTService ( )

Returns the path of default REST application

Output: suppressed

public struct getMappings ( mapName )

Returns ColdFusion mappings, which equate logical paths to directory paths.

Output: suppressed
   mapName: any, optional, mapName - Specifies a logical path name.

public string getRESTPath ( )

Returns the REST path

Output: suppressed

public getRESTServices ( boolean resolve="true", path )

Returns an Array of structure that lists all registered ColdFusion REST services or a specified REST service.

Output: suppressed
   resolve: boolean, optional, resolve - Resolve service mapping with application name
   path: any, optional, path - Specifies the path of a REST service.

public getUseOrb ( )

Gets the name of a CORBA Object Request Broker (ORB) to use as the default.

Output: suppressed

public getWebServices ( name )

Returns a structure that lists all registered ColdFusion web services or a specified web service.

Output: suppressed
   name: any, optional, name - Specifies the name of a web service.

public string getWsVersion ( )

Gets the webservice version at the server level.

Output: suppressed

public void refreshRESTService ( required path )

Refreshs a ColdFusion REST service.

Output: suppressed
   path: any, required, path - Path of the REST service to be reloaded.

public void registerRESTService ( required string path, string name, string host, boolean isdef )

Registers a ColdFusion REST service.

Output: suppressed
   path: string, required, path - Application root for searching CFCs
   name: string, optional, name - Virtual mapping
   host: string, optional, host - Host name
   isdef: boolean, optional, isdef - Is the application default or not

public void reloadWebService ( required name, required path, username="", password="" )

Reloads a ColdFusion web service.

Output: suppressed
   name: any, required, name - Name of the web service to be reloaded.
   path: any, required, path - URL for the WSDL.
   username: any, optional, username - Web Service username.
   password: any, optional, password - Web Service password.

public void setApplet ( struct applet, string appletName )

Registers a new Java applet.

Output: suppressed
   applet: struct, optional, applet - Defining structure that includes subclass file, name of the JAR file, vertical and horizontal space for the applet, and so on. Keys in the structure are as follows:
  • align
  • archive
  • code
  • height
  • hspace
  • message
  • method
  • vspace
  • width
  • parameters (a structure of parameters passed to the applet)

   appletName: string, optional, appletName - Name of the Java applet.

public void setCorbaConnector ( required name, oldname, required classname, required classpath, propertyfile="" )

Registers a CORBA Connector.

Output: suppressed
   name: any, required, name - Name of the CORBA Connector.
   oldname: any, optional, oldname
   classname: any, required, classname - The class name of the connector.
   classpath: any, required, classpath - The class path for the library that contains the connector.
   propertyfile: any, optional, propertyfile - The file that contains the Java properties for this connector.

public void setCPPCFX ( required name, required library, description="", boolean cache="true", procedure="ProcessTagRequest" )

Registers a C++ CFX tag.

Output: suppressed
   name: any, required, name - Name of tag, beginning with cfx_.
   library: any, required, library - Path to the DLL for the tag.
   description: any, optional, description - Description of tag usage.
   cache: boolean, optional, cache - Indicates whether ColdFusion keeps the keep tag in memory. Specify true or false.
   procedure: any, optional, procedure - Case-sensitive name of the procedure that implements the tag.

public void setCustomTagPath ( required path )

Defines a new path to custom tags.

Output: suppressed
   path: any, required, path - Path to custom tags.

public void setJavaCFX ( required name, required classname, description )

Registers a Java CFX tag.

Output: suppressed
   name: any, required, name - Name of tag, beginning with cfx_.
   classname: any, required, classname - The class name (without .class extension) that implements the interface.
   description: any, optional, description - Description of tag usage.

public void setMapping ( required mapName, required mapPath )

Creates a ColdFusion mapping, equating a logical path to a directory path.

Output: suppressed
   mapName: any, required, mapName - Logical path name.
   mapPath: any, required, mapPath - Directory path name.

public void setUseOrb ( required useOrb )

Sets the name of a CORBA ORB to use as the default.

Output: suppressed
   useOrb: any, required, useOrb - Name of CORBA ORB.

public void setWebService ( required name, required path, username="", password="", wsproxyserver="", wsproxyport="", wsproxyusername="", wsproxypassword="", wstimeout="", authtype="NONE", ntlmdomain="", workstation="" )

Adds a ColdFusion web service.

Output: suppressed
   name: any, required, name - Name of the web service.
   path: any, required, path - URL for the associated Web Service Description Language (WSDL).
   username: any, optional, username - Web service username.
   password: any, optional, password - Web service password.
   wsproxyserver: any, optional, wsproxyserver - The proxy server required to access web service URL.
   wsproxyport: any, optional, wsproxyport - The port to use on the proxy server.
   wsproxyusername: any, optional, wsproxyusername - The user ID to send to proxy server.
   wsproxypassword: any, optional, wsproxypassword - The user password on the proxy server.
   wstimeout: any, optional, wstimeout - The time out for the web service request in seconds.
   authtype: any, optional, authtype - Authentication type to access the webservice.Values are NONE,BASIC,NTLM.
   ntlmdomain: any, optional, ntlmdomain - The domain for NTLM authentication.
   workstation: any, optional, workstation - The workstation name for NTLM authentication.

public void setWsVersion ( required wsversion )

Sets the webservice version at the server level. If the wsversion to publish is not specified at the CFComponent level and application level, the server level value will be used as the default publish version.

Output: suppressed
   wsversion: any, required, wsversion - The server level version used for publishing web service.

public void updateRESTPath ( required string urlpattern )

Updates the REST service path to a non-default value.

Output: suppressed
   urlpattern: string, required, urlpattern - URL Pattern

private string validatemapping ( required mapName )

Verifies that a map name (logical path) follows the naming rules.

Output: suppressed
   mapName: any, required, mapName - Logical path name to be validated.