Category Archives: Javascript

Anger! Unlimited, Unmetered ANGERRRR!

Developer Anger!

Developers often face situations where logic bends. Now this happens quite a few times. Suppose we have an equation with factors that the outcome of this equation is the “bending logic”.

The first factor, and larger at times is the client input. “Yes, we know we asked for that, but now things have changed, so we have to change it” , “What? I did not ask for a red line drawn with a blue pen!” and so on. More on that at The Expert.

The second factor is the programming language we are using. And that is the point were we stand for now.  Third and fourth factors is experience and capability but those are irrelevant on each person so, we wont be discussing them now.


Quite recently I stumbled upon this interesting site :

Turns out that this guy: @abestanway is parsing repos from github and records each curse in the commit log message. A commit log message is a message we developers use when we are completing a project/code snippet/change/bug in the code of a system we are using.

This guy, took it to another step also. He gathered data and created a presentation, showing the languages with the most curses. He even created graphs of the most cursed and least cursed language:

Curses / Language
Curses / Language

As you can see, Javascript is the first. Undoubtedly this language is the most widely used, so it makes sense for it to have the most curses (and yeah many other stuff you already know like changeling scopes and other Javascript shitty stuff).

He also created graphs with the most used curses:

See that Fuck prevails all!!
See that Fuck prevails all!!

Next, he compared the Most Cursed languages with the most used languages in Github. You can have a look at all the above from the relevant video :

Therefore :


To conclude he points out that the more the curses, the better the code…

Awesome Flappy Bird in Braille with HTML5

Got tired of losing in Flappy Bird?

Flappy Bird

I mean ok, its not enought that the guy (who made like 50K EUR/day) decided to give up on the game, the game was a fluke also.

Flappy bird looks dangerously close to Nintendos Mario in many ways but okay, lets face it guys, you should have thought it.

To continue also my trolling experience as usual, I have found anawesome URL Flappy bird by this guy : thomas_baudon and developed by this guy  Alexandre G.-Raymond

Html5 . replace history and a lil’ JS and voila, Awesome Flappy  bird Braille was born!!

Just use the right arrow, and go for it !!!

My score sucks as in the original :)
My score sucks as in the original 🙂


Netflix disables use of the Chrome developer console

  1. // It appears Netflix is following (Facebook’s lead)[].
  2. (function() {
  3.     try {
  4.         var $_console$$ = console;
  5.         Object.defineProperty(window, “console”, {
  6.             get: function() {
  7.                 if ($_console$$._commandLineAPI)
  8.                     throw “Sorry, for security reasons, the script console is deactivated on”;
  9.                 return $_console$$
  10.             },
  11.             set: function($val$$) {
  12.                 $_console$$ = $val$$
  13.             }
  14.         })
  15.     } catch ($ignore$$) {
  16.     }
  17. })();
  18. // I feel like we’re seeing the next generation of engineers pursue ideas that were demonstrated
  19. // bad by the previous. First, we’ll disable right-click, you know, “for security reasons.” And by
  20. // that we mean “so you can’t steal our source code or save our images to your disk (even though you
  21. // can still “View Source” in the browser and download the images in a similar way). Now we’ll
  22. // disable the console, you know, “for security reasons.”
  23. // Note: the NSA stores your phone conversations (and much more), you know, “for security reasons.”
  24. // It’s an amazing justification that validates any nefarious behavior. Oh, you’d like to destroy
  25. // my freedoms? Why? “For security reasons.” Oh, go right ahead then! Thanks so much for looking
  26. // out for me!
  27. // Google should really patch this. The command line API should be privileged so that third
  28. // parties can’t modify how the browser behaves without explicit authorization (i.e. an extension).
  29. // But if you’re feeling up to it, you can run the following line via an extension to prevent
  30. // this abuse:
  31. // Object.defineProperty(window, ‘console’, {configurable: false, value: window.console});
  32. // Crockford has the correct idea when it comes to
  33. // (security in web applications)[].
  34. // Cookies with session identifiers should be HTTPS only. Local storage and globals should not store
  35. // sensitive data. API requests can be made inaccessible from XSS (and that includes self-XSS) by
  36. // means of a CSRF token that is properly secured (as explained in a roundabout way in the video).
  37. // You should also be using a CSP to prevent the script injection Facebook demonstrated (but I
  38. // don’t see a CSP on
  39. // And interestingly, Chrome (even Canary) still allows the user to run javascript from the omnibar.
  40. // Disabling the console is just stupid.